Saturday, February 28, 2009

3 Mile Easy Jog/Kettlebell Circuit - Day 3

Task: Build muscular strength and endurance by jogging 7 laps of a .45 mile loop while performing ascending sets (reps 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) of the Full Body Attack drill at the end of each loop, using a pair of 62# kettlebells.

Condition: Given suitable area free to perform kettlebell reps as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a .45 mile loop for jogging laps, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, a pair of 62# kettlebells, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 145 bpm for at least 50 minutes.

Miles: 3.15
Pace: 18:40
Time: 0:58:51
Time in Aerobic Zone: 48:06 minutes (Between 145 - 165 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 02:46 minutes
Time Below Zone: 07:57 minutes
Average Heartrate: 153 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 87%
Maximum Heartrate: 169 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 97%
Calories burned: 774

  • 98 Alternating Bent-Over Rows(each arm)
  • 98 Push-ups

Thursday, February 26, 2009

3 Mile Easy Jog - Day 2

Task: Build muscular endurance by jogging 8 laps of a .375 mile loop.

Condition: Given suitable .375 mile loop free of ice and snow as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 30 minutes.

Miles: 3.00
Pace: 11:49
Time: 0:35:27
Time in Aerobic Zone: 29:43 minutes (Between 132 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 00:52 minutes
Time Below Zone: 04:52 minutes
Average Heartrate: 136 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 78%
Maximum Heartrate: 165 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 94%
Calories burned: 379

PM Kettlebell Workout

Task: Using kettlebells, develop muscular strength and endurance by performing the following exercises:
  • Clean & Squat
  • Squat Press
  • Clean & Squat Press
Condition: Given suitable area to perform the drills, a pair of kettlebells light enough to do at least eight repetitions, and a pair of gloves to protect the hands.

Standard: Using the 62# kettlebells, perform at least four sets of eight repetitions.

  • Clean & Squat (8 x 4)
  • Squat Press (8 x 4)
  • Clean & Squat Press (6 x 5)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

3 Mile Easy Jog - Day 1

Task: Build muscular endurance by jogging 8 laps of a .375 mile loop.

Condition: Given suitable .375 mile loop free of ice and snow as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 30 minutes.

Miles: 3.00
Pace: 10:34
Time: 0:31:41
Time in Aerobic Zone: 05:12 minutes (Between 132 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 26:09 minutes
Time Below Zone: 00:20 minutes
Average Heartrate: 156 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 89%
Maximum Heartrate: 171 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 98%
Calories burned: 432

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kettlebell 10 by Heartrate

Task: Using the 62# kettlebells, maintain muscular strength and endurance by performing 10 repetitions of the following exercises:
  • 4-count Floor Press
  • Clean
  • Jerk Press
  • Clean & Jerk Press
  • 4-count Leg-Lifts
  • Double Snatch
  • Front Squat
  • Clean & Squat Press
  • Full Body Attack w/Mountain Climber Push-ups
  • 4-count Flutter Kicks
Condition: Given suitable space for execution of the drill, gloves to protect the hands, a weight belt to support the lower back, a heartrate monitor to objectify intensity, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Maintain heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 20 minutes.

For the second time in a month I'm in the grip of a nasty cold. Stuffy nose, headache, coughing, sneezing... I would normally do three to five rounds of the above exercises, but I wanted to do just enough to maintain a basic level of muscular strength and endurance. I think I'll stick with this workout for a while but just increase my rounds through the circuit.

Time: 0:24:31
Time in Aerobic Zone: 11:19 minutes (Between 140 - 160 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 01:28 minutes
Time Below Zone: 11:44 minutes
Average Heartrate: 138 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 79%
Maximum Heartrate: 163 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 93%
Calories burned: 269

  • Push-ups 10/Floor Press 20
  • Leg-Lifts 20
  • Flutter Kicks 20

Friday, February 20, 2009

Clean & Squat Press

Task: Using the 62# kettlebells, perform the Clean and Squat Press (partnered) for 100 reps.

Condition: Given suitable space for execution of the drill and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Perform 100 repetitions by any means.

I'm feeling a slight cold coming on, but I convinced my 13 year-old son to workout with me. So, I performed sets of five repetitions and rested while he did a set of five using a lighter set. We stopped a 10 sets and 50 repetitions. Now it's time to get some rest.

Clean and Squat Press - 5 x 10

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Alternating Full Body Attack with Mountain Climber Push-ups

Task: Using the 80# kettlebells, perform the Full Body Attack drill with a Mountain Climber Push-up each rep for 100 reps.

Condition: Given suitable space for execution of the drill and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Perform 100 repetitions by any means.

The Full Body Attack drill is one that I learned from one of Mike Mahler's kettlebell training DVDs. To further engage the muscles, I added a few modifications which include a Mountain Climber Push-up after every repetition of an alternating Bent-Over Row, giving the exercise eight movement counts per repetition.

Full Body Attack w/Mountain Climber Push-ups - 10 x 10

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kettlebell Cardio by Heartrate

Task: Perform a brief warm-up with the 62# kettlbells by performing 12 Presses and 12 Cleans, then build muscular strength and endurance by using the 62# kettlebells to perform Clean & Squat Press for 100 reps.

Condition: Given suitable space for execution of the drill, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, gloves to protect hands, a weightbelt to protect the lower back, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 30 minutes or the duration of the drill, whichever comes first.

Time: 0:46:46
Time in Aerobic Zone: 27:51 minutes (Between 140 - 160 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 09:16 minutes
Time Below Zone: 10:39 minutes
Average Heartrate: 150 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 86%
Maximum Heartrate: 166 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 95%
Calories burned: 606

  • Cleans 12
  • Presses 12
  • Clean & Squat Press were done 4 reps x 25 sets

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Easy Jog - Day 3

Task: Build muscular strength and endurance by jogging 6 laps of a 1/2 mile loop while using the 62# kettlebells to perform Bent-Over Rows and Mountain Climber Push-ups in a "Top-to-Bottom" drill as follows:

12 Bent-Over-Rows (BOR) 02 Mountain Climber Push-ups (MCP) lap 1
10 BOR 04 MCP lap 2
08 BOR 06 MCP lap 3
06 BOR 08 MCP lap 4
04 BOR 10 MCP lap 5
02 BOR 12 MCP lap 6

Condition: Given suitable area free of ice and snow to perform kettlebell reps as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a half mile loop for jogging laps, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, a pair of 62# kettlebells, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 40 minutes or the duration of the top to bottom drill.

Miles: 3.00
Pace: 14:10
Time: 0:42:30
Time in Aerobic Zone: 11:28 minutes (Between 132 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 28:42 minutes
Time Below Zone: 02:20 minutes
Average Heartrate: 152 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 87%
Maximum Heartrate: 170 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 97%
Calories burned: 550

Afterward, using the 62# kettlebells, I performed 2 x 30 yds of Overhead Lockout Walking and 30 yds of the Racked Carry

The Overhead Lockout Walk is performed by pressing the kettlebells to the lockout position and then walking forward while maintaining the weights overhead and elbows locked. At 30 yds, lower the weights to the racked position and return to the starting point. These are excellent exercises to work the core and develop the stabilizing muscles throughout the entire body.

42 BOR

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kettlebell Cardio by Heartrate

Task: Build muscular strength and endurance by using the 62# kettlebells to perform Clean & Squat Press.

Condition: Given suitable space for execution of the drill, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, gloves to protect hands, a weightbelt to protect the lower back, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 30 minutes.

Time: 0:46:40
Time in Aerobic Zone: 36:54 minutes (Between 140 - 160 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 00:00 minutes
Time Below Zone: 09:46 minutes
Average Heartrate: 147 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 84%
Maximum Heartrate: 160 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 91%
Calories burned: 573

  • Clean & Squat Press were done 5 x 5, then 3 x 20
  • Using the 53# kettlebells, I also performed double snatches for 10 reps x 3

85 Clean & Squat Press
30 Double Snatch

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two Mile Easy Jog - Day 2

Task: Begin base building by jogging a minimum of 2 miles:

Condition: Given suitable area free of ice and snow as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 20 minutes.

Miles: 2.25
Time: 0:24:45
Pace: 11:00

Time in Aerobic Zone: 13:11 minutes (Between 132 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 09:18 minutes
Time Below Zone: 02:16 minutes
Average Heartrate: 145 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 83%
Maximum Heartrate: 161 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 92%
Calories burned: 294

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two Mile Easy Jog - Day 1

First day out to begin training for the upcoming ultra-maraton and adventure races. I only jogged 2 miles but everything was sore, my feet, my lower back, my legs... The only part of me that felt good was my breathing. I'm attributing my sluggishness to yesterday's workout.

Task: Begin base building by jogging a minimum of 2 miles:

Condition: Given suitable area free of ice and snow as well as clothing to protect against the elements, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm for at least 20 minutes.

Time: 0:26:48
Average Heartrate: 141 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 81%
Calories burned: 303

Friday, February 13, 2009

100 Rep Drill x 3

Task: After warming up with 100 Leg-Lifts, build muscular strength and endurance, using the 62# kettlebells to perform the one hundred reps of the following exercises:
  • Full Body Attack
  • Floor Press

Condition: Given suitable space for individual execution of the drills, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, gloves to protect hands, a weightbelt to protect the lower back, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 140 bpm or rest the number of completed repetitions (minus 100) for at least 30 minutes. Complete the 100 reps before moving on to the next exercise.

Time: 0:35:48
Time in Aerobic Zone: 11:55 minutes (Between 140 - 160 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 08:51 minutes
Time Below Zone: 15:02 minutes
Average Heartrate: 145 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 83%
Maximum Heartrate: 173 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 99%
Calories burned: 431

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top to Bottom x 3

Using the 53# or 62# kettlebells, perform the following routines to build both muscular strength and endurance.

Condition: Given suitable space for individual execution of the routine, a heartrate monitor to measure intensity, gloves to protect hands, a weightbelt to protect the lower back, and sufficient fluid replacement to maintain intensity.

Standard: Objectify intensity by keeping the heartrate above 137 bpm for at least 45 minutes.

01 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 10 Double Snatch w/53#
02 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 09 Double Snatch
03 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 08 Double Snatch
04 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 07 Double Snatch
05 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 06 Double Snatch
06 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 05 Double Snatch
07 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 04 Double Snatch
08 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 03 Double Snatch
09 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 02 Double Snatch
10 Perfect Push-ups w/Mountain Climber 01 Double Snatch

01 Clean 10 Squat Press w/62#
02 Clean 09 Squat Press
03 Clean 08 Squat Press
04 Clean 07 Squat Press
05 Clean 06 Squat Press
06 Clean 05 Squat Press
07 Clean 04 Squat Press
08 Clean 03 Squat Press
09 Clean 02 Squat Press
10 Clean 01 Squat Press

01 four-count Leg-Lifts 10 Floor Press w/62#
02 four-count Leg-Lifts 09 Floor Press
03 four-count Leg-Lifts 08 Floor Press
04 four-count Leg-Lifts 07 Floor Press
05 four-count Leg-Lifts 06 Floor Press
06 four-count Leg-Lifts 05 Floor Press
07 four-count Leg-Lifts 04 Floor Press
08 four-count Leg-Lifts 03 Floor Press
09 four-count Leg Lifts 02 Floor Press
10 four-count Leg Lifts 01 Floor Press

Time: 1:10:57
Time in Aerobic Zone: 38:40 minutes (Between 132 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 27:01 minutes
Time Below Zone: 05:16 minutes
Average Heartrate: 148 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 85%
Maximum Heartrate: 176 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 101%
Calories burned: 880

Mountain Climber Push-ups (MCP)
Double Snatch
Squat Press
Floor Press
Leg Lifts

Monday, February 9, 2009

Kettlebell 30s by Heartrate

Using a pair of 62# kettlebells, perform 30 repetitions of the following exercises, while maintaining the heartrate above 140 bpm.

Perfect Push-ups
  • Swings
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • Upright Rows
  • Cleans
  • Presses
  • Clean & Press
This was the first workout after having to take a few days off. Suffering symptoms of a cold or flu, I knew that I needed to prepare for a few days of tough training with the Unit. Friday, February 6th consisted of airborne ops, three jumps from a UH-60 at 1500 feet AGL. The following day we rucked six miles with a 30 pound load through 12 to 18 inches of snow and slush.

My intention today was to continue the routine with Snatches, Squats, Clean & Squat Press, and Floor Presses, but I at about 50 minutes in, I began to crash. I'll pick-up with these movements next session.

Time: 51:02
Time in Aerobic Zone: 19:00 minutes (Between 137 - 149 bpm)
Time Above Zone: 19:00 minutes
Time Below Zone: 12:00 minutes
Average Heartrate: 141 bpm
Average Percentage of maximum heartrate: 81%
Maximum Heartrate: 170 bpm
Maximum Percentage of Maximum: 97%
Calories burned: 588

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kettlebell Aternating Dime

Using a pair of 62# kettlebells, perform one set of 10 reps of the following:
  • Alternating Bent-Over Row
  • Alternating Clean
  • Alternating Press
  • Alternating Clean & Press
  • Alternating Snatch
As Mike Mahler points out in his DVD series on kettlebell training for strength and conditioning, the alternating or "see-saw" variation of these exercises really works the core muscles. It's amazing how little it takes to experience that total body fatigue.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kettlebell Cardio Complex

With a single 62# kettlebell, perform three rounds of the following exercises, while maintaining the heartrate above 137 bpm:

Both right and left sides
  • Basic Swing
  • High Pull
  • Clean
  • Jerk Press
  • Snatch
  • Choke Squat
  • Clean, Choke Squat, Press, Snatch
5 reps first round
6 reps second round
7 reps third round

During this workout I performed each exercise on the right side and then the left to complete one round.

Time: 54:02, calories burned 700